Line Crossing Services2019-03-11T21:49:17+00:00

Line Crossing Services

Line Crossing Services is offered for all underground crossings, working in conjunction with survey and land groups to identify lines and develop pre-construction communication and relationships to further assist in the construction assessment. This service is offered in three phases: Constructability Evaluation, Construction Monitoring, and Project Close-Out Evaluation.

Constructability Evaluation

The Pre-Construction Evaluation phase will focus on evaluating the foreign line crossings before the bidding process begins. Foreign Line Consulting & Services will provide all the behind the scenes information needed to begin the construction of the pipeline crossings with limited to no interruptions. It will begin with identifying the line crossings found during the survey or sweeping of the right of way. This is followed by gathering information and making contact, collecting the pipeline company’s construction restriction and stipulations, negotiating encroachment agreements/Letters of No Objection and general notification. The gathered information will be inputted into our Proprietary system that will allow the clients to get an accurate estimate of the overall cost and timelines.

Construction Monitoring

The Construction Monitoring phase will take place throughout the duration of the project. Making sure all negotiated guidelines are followed as well as rapidly assist with any unexpected lines that may not have been located through the initial sweep.

Project Close-Out Evaluation

Pipeline Safety will issue a final deliverable listing all the foreign lines located/crossed as well as where the client’s line has been placed. The collected information will be placed in a file format which will coincide with the client’s needs. This is a key factor in which it will be easily accessible for future use.

Line Crossing Services Brochure